Time of our Lives by cgugliotti on May 19, 2016 at 9:00 am Chapter: comics In which we answer “what is best in life?” └ Tags: autobiographical, bedtime, chris gugliotti, comic, comic strip, dachshund, dog, friendship, introspection, laziness, lazy, life, man's best friend, man-child, nap, napping, nibbles, nibbles the dachshund, playing dead, sleep, web comic, Web comics, webcomic, webcomics Comments Off on Time of our Lives
Abracalazy by cgugliotti on November 19, 2015 at 9:00 am Chapter: comics In which I practice avoidance. └ Tags: autobiographical, chris gugliotti, comic, comic strip, dachshund, dog, doxie, doxie love, friendship, laziness, lazy, life, man's best friend, man-child, nibbles, pet care, playing dead, procrastination, sleep, sleeping, web comic, Web comics, webcomic, webcomics, wtf Comments Off on Abracalazy
Beamed by cgugliotti on May 29, 2014 at 12:46 am Chapter: comics In which Nibbles gives in to a higher power. └ Tags: autobiographical, chris gugliotti, comic, comic strip, dachshund, dog, helen mirren, laziness, lazy, man's best friend, nap, nibbles, playing dead, sleep, sun, sun beam, web comic, Web comics, webcomic, webcomics Comments Off on Beamed
Unsolicited Advice by cgugliotti on March 11, 2014 at 9:07 am Chapter: comics In which I try to answer the age old question: To wake or not to wake?” └ Tags: anxiety, autobiographical, bed, chris gugliotti, comic, comic strip, introspection, laziness, lazy, life, man-child, morning, playing dead, sleep, sleeping, web comic, Web comics, webcomic, webcomics, wtf 1 Comment