In which I’m trying to cope with the glorious after effects of the west coast while maintaining nibbles strict schedule.
Posts Tagged Comicon
HEY EVERYBODY! SPREAD THE WORD! I’ll be at the San Diego Comicon this week. Swing by my table in Artist’s Alley: BB-15 and say hi, get a commission, pick up exclusive prints and stickers! Also remember to say “Nibbles sent[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
HEY EVERYBODY! SPREAD THE WORD! I’ll be at the San Diego Comicon this week. Swing by my table: BB-15 and say hi, get a commission, pick up exclusive prints and stickers! Also remember to say “Nibbles sent me!” for a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
No new Playing Deads this week cause I’m across the country at comic con. If you’re there or know someone who is come on by artist’s alley TABLE EE-14! I have sketch cards, sketch covers, pins, prints(15 new ones) and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
All right everybody. Bad news. Playing Dead: is on a tiny Hiatus for this week. GOOD NEWS: its because i’ll be at the sandiego comicon(July 24-27). Stop by Artists Alley TABLE BB-12 and say hello!. I’ll have a bunch of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A few years ago at con a bunch of us met and befriended Ghostrider and all around amazing artist Mark Texeira. Then we were just geek larvae but to this day he still remembers us and will talk our ear[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I leave tomorrow for the west coast and sunny San Diego for comicon. Sadly nibbles can never join me for he’s on the no fly list for reasons known only to him and the government.